AFTA台灣同鄉會于2020年11月21日在 Epping Club 舉辦第 25 屆理監事就職典禮圓滿完成,感謝每一位參與的貴賓及理監事共同合作及見證此次的交接就職典禮。台灣同鄉會過去兩年在 24 屆會長林挺瑞先生的帶領下致力服務在澳洲 NSW 的台灣鄉親,我們在此感謝林挺瑞先生及 24屆的理監事團隊過去兩年的努力及付出。相信在 25 屆會長林雅雯女士的帶領下,台灣同鄉會將朝著靈活化、科技化及年輕化的方向,協助在澳洲的台灣鄉親、凝聚台灣人及宣揚台灣精神。台灣同鄉會非常歡迎每一位想加入的朋友,加入會員一年只需要 AUD$50就可免費參與一系列的活動及收到各種資訊,歡迎聯繫小編加入或email:

The 25th inauguration ceremony took place at Epping Club over the weekend. ATFA would like to take this opportunity to express thanks to each and every one of our guests in joining us on this jubilant occasion. We commend the 24th term for their efforts these past two years. Under Mr. Jason Lin’s leadership, ATFA have worked tirelessly to serve the members of our Australian-Taiwanese community across NSW. We look forward to a fresh chapter with Ms. Aven Lin at the helm to further advance the bilateral friendship and co-operation between Australia and Taiwan.As always, we would love to hear from you if you haven’t yet joined! Please feel free to touch base via DM or email

About the Author: Admin
By Published On: November 21, 2020Categories: ATFA Blog