The Sydney Taiwanese School was started in 1991 by The Australian Taiwanese Friendship Association (ATFA). It was established with the purpose of providing a place for the learning of traditional Chinese Mandarin and to cultivate Chinese culture.

The school boasts a number of experienced tertiary qualified teachers. Classes range from kindergarten (ages 3½ ~ 5½) to Year 6; international and adult courses are also available.

The school welcomes students of all nationalities with the aim of promoting the Chinese language in our multicultural society.

In educating the students, the following methods are used:

  • Teaching of traditional (non-simplified) Chinese characters using mainstream material.
  • Use of both Chinese phonetic notation and universal Pinyin system teaching methods.
  • Texts ranging from kindergarten to high school levels are sourced from Taiwan.
  • Inclusion of extracurricular activities such as public speaking competitions, essay competitions, poetry appreciation and story telling.
  • Computer aids for the learning of Chinese cultural festivals and songs.

    The school seeks to

    • Provide an environment conducive to learning Chinese Mandarin.
    • Develop students’ ability to read, listen, speak and write in Mandarin Chinese.
    • Promote and cultivate traditional Chinese culture.


澳洲臺灣同鄉會附屬雪梨臺灣學校,成立于 1991 至今已有 30 年歷史。 在歷任同鄉會長、校長及許多熱心人士的推動之下儼然成爲雪梨知名的中文學校。



  • 傳承及發揚中華傳統文化
  • 建構良好的中文學習環境
  • 選用主流中文教材完整的正體字教學
  • 視學生需求採用國語注音及漢語雙拼音教學
  • 加強學生中文之聼、說、讀、寫的能力
  • 注重生活倫理,孝親服務精神的人格教育發展
  • 課餘加強唐詩教唱、故事欣賞
  • 數位化電腦示範教學,包括歌曲教唱、節慶介紹、生活教育
  • 課外活動:鼓勵學生參與年度僑界活動例如:海華文藝、體育、朗誦比賽、作文比賽、打字比賽等
  • 義工制度、家長委員

義工制度乃本校之一大特色,本校行政組織上各組人員均由熱心家長義務擔任,且按個人志願與專長分組編制各項工作來協助校務。 不僅家長們可以參與輔導,並由各項活動中加強各項文化的交流,友誼的建立及知識的分享。